June 20, 2008


Buy These FlashcardsIs there a better way to learn vocabulary other than flashcards? Well, I guess there's immersion (the linguistic kind, not the baptismal kind), and maybe divine foreknowledge, which neither you nor I are likely to have. So whether you make your own, install the Teknia program (which I can't get to work on my computer), use Davar, bookmark a cool web program like this, this, this, or this, or—my recommendation—buy the companion flashcards to PVP, it's time to get flashing.


Eric said...

Hey, I am working on a free mobile web app to help students with vocab. Its a work in progress, but you can check it out here: http://hebrewflash.me/

Hopefully some find it useful,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this wonderful information. You can also Learn Hebrew here

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this wonderful information. You can also Learn Hebrew here